Friday, November 12, 2010

Veteran's Day 2010

Alan (one of my roommates) and I drove down to Arlington Cemetery on the morning of Veteran's Day to watch the wreath-laying ceremony.
It was a gorgeous day!
Changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Getting ready for the wreath-laying ceremony

VP Biden

Alan, Lee (my other roommate, who met us there), and myself
Beautiful November day in Washington DC

Visiting the gravesite of the Kennedy family

Alan and I went to the Washington Capitals hockey game that night. What a game! The Caps won the game 6-3, and that included a Hat Trick (3 goals scored by one person). Check out my Facebook page to see a short video from the game.

On the drive home we were entertained by a car full of drunk guys honking and swearing at everyone they could see. It was actually just one of the guys doing the swearing. Obnoxious? Yes. But since we were sitting in traffic at least it gave us something to watch. At one point the guys pulled up next to a truck (whose occupants might have also had a little too much to drink) and persuaded one of the occupants of the truck to drink his entire can of beer without taking a breath. He did so, and then he proceeded to throw his can of beer through the driver's side window of the other vehicle. Oh my, what alcohol can do to people.


Liz said...

You take GREAT pictures, Daniel! I love all your adventures. What a beautiful tribute to fallen soldiers. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Daniel, that first photo is an award-winner: Autumn in Arlington Cemetery!

Plus, that inscription about the value of liberty . . . Wow. That could have been written by Captain Moroni, or General Mormon.

- Dad

Anonymous said...

Your picture-taking is getting quite good. Maybe you need to graduate to Elizabeth's camera.


Anonymous said...

Elder Uchtdorf speaking on Veteran's Day reminded everyone that Moroni and Mormon were soldiers. We rarely think of them as that, but they were. Mormon was killed on the battlefield.

Nicman said...

Man - that was a great day. A FULL, GREAT day.