Friday, April 13, 2012

Congress Something Rice Cakes

I'm going to a dinner tomorrow night where we will have the pleasure of listening to Condoleezza Rice (along with a fancy meal and Jenny Oaks Baker as the guest performer). Earlier this week I told Dustin (my friend in the wheelchair) about the dinner. A day or two later he brought up the subject of the dinner, but he couldn't remember the name of the guest speaker. "So you know that dinner you're going to.....the one with that women....congress something rice cakes?"

I had to pause our conversation to write down what he said (and to stop laughing so hard). Thanks, Dustin!


Liz said...

That's still making me laugh! I don't think I'll ever be able to look at a rice cake the same again. :)

Kristine said...

lol, love that D!